A solution route for a considerable class of problems arsing from systems and control is provided in the paper. When the problem under consideration can be transformed to parameter estimation, then it can further been transformed to a root-seeking problem for a unknown regression function with root equal to the parameter to be estimated. The stochstic approximation algorithm with expanding truncations is an appropriate tool to solve the problem in question. Its general convergence theorem is given in the paper, and it has successfully been applied in solving a series of problems from systems and control. Identification of ARMA processses and adaptive regulation for Hammerstein sysetms described in the paper serve as examples of realizing the solution route given in the paper. Corresponding simulation results are also provided. The estimates accordings to this solution route are recursive and convergent with probability one.
CHEN Han-Fu. , {{custom_author.name_en}}.
Solving Problem from Systems and Control by Root-Seeking Method for Functions. Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences, 2009, 29(10): 1299-1310 https://doi.org/10.12341/jssms08459