Observability and Nonsingularity of Logical Dynamical Systems
研究逻辑动态系统的能观性和非奇异性问题------分别为通过观测输出来得到初始状态和输入. 针对这两类问题, 分别定义两种不同的加权点对图, 从而提供一个判别能观性和非奇异性的通用方法. 为解决如何判别能观性, 用相应的加权点对图来构造有限自动机, 然后通过判别该自动机的完备性来判别能观性. 另外, 直接从对应于非奇异性的加权点对图出发构造出判别非奇异性的算法.
This paper deals with two problems of observing states/inputs of logical dynamical systems from outputs --- Observability and nonsingularity. Different weighted pair graphs are defined for observability and nonsingularity respectively, and are used to provide a unified method for determining them. For observability, the corresponding weighted pair graph is transformed to a finite automaton, and then observability is determined by testing the completeness of the automaton. Nonsingularity is determined directly from the corresponding weighted pair graph.
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