A Study on the Valuation Model of Equity Financing for Growth Enterprises
企业估值是股权融资的核心内容, 合理的估值有助于减缓投融资双方的矛盾 冲突, 助推企业实现跨越式发展. 基于传统的市净率估值方法, 构建了成长型企业采取股权融资进行市场开拓的估值模型, 探讨投融资双方博弈下的企业最优估值及其影响因素. 文章的估值模型为市净率估值法建立了博弈理论基础, 指出企业的``最低估值''并非投资者的``最优估值'', 发现了缓和投融资双方矛盾冲突的合作共赢空间. 最优市净率估值能对高成长性、轻资产或高行业市净率的企业管理者形成激励, 助推企业快速成长而提高投资者的投资回报.
Firm valuation is the core of equity financing, and a reasonable valuation helps to reduce the conflict between equity investors and entrepreneurs. Based on the traditional P/B method and the game theory, present study constructs a valuation model for the growth enterprises which employs equity financing to explore the market. Our valuation model establishes the foundation of game theory for traditional P/B method, and finds a win-win cooperation space to ease the conflict. Results indicate that the lowest valuation of the enterprise is not always the optimal valuation for the equity investors, and the optimal one is conductive to the market exploration in enterprises with high growth, asset-light or high industry market-to-book ratio, which boosts the rapid growth of enterprises and increases the return of investors.
股权融资 / 企业估值 / 博弈理论 / 成长型企业. {{custom_keyword}} /
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