Research on Enterprise Cooperation Innovation Strategy Based on Evolutionary Game
在国企混合所有制改革和``互联网+''的背景下, 传统企业与互联网企业的合作是大势所趋. 文章以联通混改为背景, 采用演化博弈理论研究电信企业和互联网企业合作创新策略选择问题.首先, 构建了电信企业和互联网企业的合作创新博弈模型. 其次, 在求得模型均衡点的基础上, 深入分析了成本、收益以及分摊系数等参数对于系统演化路径的影响. 最后, 引入违约赔偿来引导系统向帕累托最优解演进. 研究表明, 单位产品期望额外收益和销量的增大、成本的减少, 有利于电信企业和互联网企业向合作创新的方向演进; 合理的收益分配机制和适当的违约赔偿有助于削弱双方企业的利己主义思想, 实现合作共赢.
Under the background of mixed ownership reform and ``Internet Plus", the cooperation between traditional enterprises and Internet companies becomes the trend. By using game model, the cooperation strategy between telecom companies and Internet companies is studied in this paper. Firstly, the cooperative innovation evolutionary game model is constructed. Secondly, the parameters such as cost, income and contribution coefficient are analyzed. Finally, liquidated damages are introduced to guide the system to the Pareto optimal solution. Research shows that reasonable parameter settings, income distribution mechanism and liquidated damages help to ensure the system optimality.
合作创新 / 演化博弈 / 帕累托最优 / 稳定性分析. {{custom_keyword}} /
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