Steady State Analysis and Optimal Production Policiy of Production Inventory System with Two Classes of Customers
文章研究了两个生产车间和两类顾客的生产服务库存系统. 首先, 利用拟生灭过程理论得到稳态概率的矩阵几何解. 在此基础上, 进一步得到了系统的一些性能指标和费用函数. 其次, 通过数值算例研究一些系统参数对性能指标的影响. 最后, 通过遗传算法分析了模型的最优\;
This paper studies the production inventory system with two classes of customers under two production workshops and positive service time. Firstly, using the theory of quasi-birth-and-death process, the matrix geometric solution of the steady-state probability vector is derived. On this basis, the steady state performance measures and the cost function of the system are obtained. Secondly, numerical examples are used to investigate the influence of the parameters on system performance measures. Finally, the optimal production inventory policy and the optimal cost of the system are given by a genetic algorithm.
生产库存系统 / 排队系统 / 两类顾客 / $(s / S)$ 策略 / 遗传算法. {{custom_keyword}} /
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