文章利用复杂适应系统的模拟方法, 在博弈数理模型的基础上,
投资进行博弈的复杂系统模拟模型, 剖析农村基础设施投融资模式
单一的内在机理, 并在此基础上探讨扩大农村基础
设施投融资规模的合作机制. 研究发现: 由于``搭便车''心理的 存在,
不管是普通村民之间, 还是普通村民和富裕村民之间,
自发的基础设施投融资都会出现投资不足的困境; 如果有政府 参与,
在政府财政资金不足的情况下, 引入村民与基础设施投资总额
挂钩的投资合作机制, 可以增大基础设施投资规模, 同时提高
At present, the scale of investment and financing for
rural infrastructure in China is relatively single. This paper
aims to study the theoretical logic behind the dilemma of investment
and financing for rural infrastructure and further explore effective
investment and financing cooperation mechanisms. For this reason,
this paper constructs game models of investment in rural infrastructure
between ordinary villagers, between ordinary villagers and rich villagers,
and between villagers and the government. Based on the mathematical
game model, the investment in rural infrastructure between ordinary
villagers, rich villagers and the government is simulated in a complex
system by using the simulation method of multi-agent complex adaptive
system. Through game simulation, this paper analyzes the internal
mechanism of the single investment and financing mode of rural infrastructure,
and on this basis discusses the cooperation mechanism to expand the
scale of investment and financing of rural infrastructure. Through a series of
studies, this paper draws the following main conclusions: Due to the existence
of the``free rider" mentality of villagers, whether it is between ordinary villagers
or between ordinary villagers and wealthy villagers, spontaneous infrastructure
investment and financing will suffer from the predicament of insufficient investment.
If the government is involved in the investment and financing of rural infrastructure,
the result of the non-cooperative game between the government and the villagers is
that the infrastructure investment is fully undertaken by the government. In the
case of insufficient government financial funds, the introduction of investment
rules linking villagers with the total amount of infrastructure investment can
eliminate the ``free rider" behavior of villagers, greatly increase the
sources of infrastructure investment, and alleviate the investment pressure
of the government. At the same time, the performance of the government and
the overall well-being of the villagers can be improved.
农村基础设施, 投融资, 博弈, 复杂系统模拟.
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邝雄, 李忠杰.
基于复杂适应系统模拟的农村基础设施投融资博弈分析. 系统科学与数学, 2021, 41(3): 768-787. https://doi.org/10.12341/jssms20126
KUANG Xiong, LI Zhongjie.
The Game Analysis on Investment and Financing
of Rural Infrastructure Based on Complex Adaptive System Simulation. Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences, 2021, 41(3): 768-787 https://doi.org/10.12341/jssms20126